To know God and make Him known through business

We pursue spiritual, social, economic and environmental transformation of least reached and underprivileged people, communities and nations.

All over the world and in every walk of life people are affected by business. The job we do, the people we meet, our quality of life are all influenced by business. It is a part of life that can impact nations, peoples and societies in many different ways. God commissioned His people to go into all the world and bring His Kingdom. Using business is one way of bringing transformation to nations, especially to the poor and the unreached.

Although levels of poverty are falling around the world, there are still many areas of extreme poverty, with over 1 billion people living on less than $1.25 a day. Charity can address short-term, emergency needs, but it is business that can bring about long-lasting sustainable change to societies and people. As Peter Greer has said, “The highest level of charity is when you can help someone get on their own feet, use their own God-given abilities to provide for their family.” In Business With A Mission (BWAM), we desire to use sustainable business as a way to empower people to reach their full potential in God.

There are still many parts of the world that have not heard the Gospel and will not hear unless someone goes and tells them.
The world is now open to business, with business people welcome almost everywhere. Business With A Missions brings the Kingdom of God into unreached areas through profitable businesses.

Many Christian business people feel called to use their business skills and talents to serve God. They wonder how they may be used to bring transformation to the neediest parts of the world.

BWAM provides a pathway where business people can use their skills and experience to mentor, coach, and encourage others. We also help launch Christian business people by training and equipping them to start companies around the globe.


If you are new to BWAM, we recommend you start by reading these core resources.

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